Disclaimer: I received a FREE subscription of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. This post has affiliate links, which means I may earn a commission on qualified purchases through those links. Thank you for your support.
"Grab your journal,
we're going on a trip!"
we're going on a trip!"
"We're going on a trip" is definitely one of my kids favorite things to hear. We love traveling and go on trips as often as we can! We love seeing and exploring new places, learning about different cultures, seeing and learning about historical landmarks, hearing local music, tasting the foods! While on a road trip we usually do trivia about the places we're traveling through and the kids track us on the atlas as we're enroute. Yes, a real paper atlas, not a GPS!
Unfortunately we can't travel as much as I'd like to or to all the places I'd like for us to go. However with Let's Go Geography we felt like we have done a roadtrip each week! We are currently cruising through Let's Go Geography, Year 2. We started off with the world as a whole and the 7 continents creating our travel journals. We did the different regions of the US in North America then moved into some countries in Central America. You can see all the locations that are a part of Let's Go Geography, Year 2 below.
Unfortunately we can't travel as much as I'd like to or to all the places I'd like for us to go. However with Let's Go Geography we felt like we have done a roadtrip each week! We are currently cruising through Let's Go Geography, Year 2. We started off with the world as a whole and the 7 continents creating our travel journals. We did the different regions of the US in North America then moved into some countries in Central America. You can see all the locations that are a part of Let's Go Geography, Year 2 below.
When you create the travel journals, you make sections for 6 of the continents, then as each lesson comes you add it to the section/continent that it belongs to. We currently are using a 1/2 inch binders for our journals, not sure yet if it's big enough for the whole year though.
There is very little prep work for this geography curriculum. The prep work is just printing the printables and buying any craft supplies needed. If you get stumped on the craft supplies you can always use the color sheet instead. Along with the printables I print out the checklist and it keeps us right on task. Each lesson takes about an hour or so and consists of mapping, flags, local music, photos and videos of local sights and a colorsheet or craft.
There is very little prep work for this geography curriculum. The prep work is just printing the printables and buying any craft supplies needed. If you get stumped on the craft supplies you can always use the color sheet instead. Along with the printables I print out the checklist and it keeps us right on task. Each lesson takes about an hour or so and consists of mapping, flags, local music, photos and videos of local sights and a colorsheet or craft.
I love how this single geography curriculum caters to a variety of ages. While mapping there's some trivia/fun facts. For your younger kids you can read it off as fun facts, for the older kids you ask them questions trivia style. It has more detailed maps to print for older kids as well and encourages them to do more mapping.
When it comes to the art project I would often use the color sheet to entertain my 9 year old while my 6 year old caught up in other areas throughout the lesson. The color sheet was also great for my 2 year old while the big kids were doing the lesson or crafts. It's flexible and fun for all ages and definitely great for large families and/or co-op.
Speaking of co-op, throughout every lesson I couldn't stop thinking about how great this would be for our homeschool co-op. Everything is put together for the teacher, just print and play with the kids. The curriculum is even designed with 32 lessons which is approximately what a homeschool year is! I recommended it as a K-5th grade Geography class for next year at our homeschool co-op. Check out the special Teacher License subscription here.
Quotes from the Kids:
- What was your favorite part of Let's Go Geography?
- "Craft Projects." -Karter
- "5 Oceans Song." -Krissy (Ask Alexa to play it, it's quite catchy)
- Where was your favorite destination so far?
- "Mount St. Helens, Washington, Pacific North West" -Karter
- If you could add something extra what would it be?
- "Food!" -Krissy (Haha, my foodie!! He's got a good point here, maybe add some recipes)
My family loved Let's Go Geography, Year 2, but don't just take our word for it other families from the Homeschool Review Crew used this product too so be sure to check out their reviews by clicking on the banner.