I personally loved wearing my older son, but it recently has become a way of life with my second baby! Being the second baby I knew it would make it to where I can have him on me and still have my hands for my VERY busy 3 year old, however I had no clue how much he would NEED it! My oldest was very independent and was perfectly fine being set down while mommy and daddy needed to clean, work, etc...well that whole "no two babies are the same" saying really took affect...my newborn would prefer to be held at all times! Complete Polar Opposites!! I have not known another baby who hates the carseat, swing, bouncer seat, high chair, etc as much as my little one! After wearing out my back real quick from carrying him through walmart while we grocery shopped, and having no luck getting anything done around the house I finally pulled out my carriers to start using, and I've been wearing him a good 70-90% of my days since then!
Over the years I have collected and used a nice variety of baby carriers and they all have different advantages! I use them all depending on what activities I'm doing, where I'm at, how long I will be wearing him, etc! I've decided to start a Baby Wearing Marathon, I will feature one carrier per day starting July 1st until I run out of carriers! I will list my pros and cons for each carrier, ease of use, ease of breastfeeding while wearing, comfort while wearing and even Daddy's opinion on them....withs lots of Photos ofcourse!! I will also provide the links to the manufacturer websites and social media pages incase you're interested in purchasing. I have even contacted all the manufacturers and some are running special promotions just for Domestic Diva Kalynn Followers! So stay tuned each day for the down and dirty on Baby Wearing...and if you're already a Baby Wearer join in on our feature days with your photos!!
Brand: HotSlings
Style: Original
Retail Price: $18 on E-Bay (No Longer Sold on Website)
Baby Carrier Category: Pouch Sling
Website: www.Hotslings.com
Social Media Pages:

> Simple - no ties, snaps, adjustments. Only requires a very easy fold!
> Has padding - for older babies, when you use the hip carry.
> Has a nice Variety of positions to carry in
> Includes DVD directions, and photo cheat sheet
> Size Matters - Safety wise and comfort wise
> Retail Price is a little pricey for how simple they are
> Original Style is not available on their website anymore
Ease of Use:
>Simple fold required, has tabs to help simplify the process! Then just slides over whichever shoulder.
>Easy to put baby in
>Easy to take baby out
>Numerous positions available

>Cradle Hold- Possible, but not the easiest to position, once in position it is discrete, but does require 1 hand to provide support from slumping - making it hard for baby to breath!
>Hip Carry (for babies who can support their own head) - Easy access, but not as discrete!
Comfort While Wearing:
>So long as you have the right size it's very comfortable in all positions.
> Two free hand, one arm has limited motion.
>Rated for 8-35lbs - Comfortable all the way to that limit! Even did a back carry with a 2 year old, while I was pregnant and still comfortable!
> Tip - if you do feel too much on the shoulder adjust the distrubution at the shoulder!
>Note: The website only sells the newer Adjustable Pouch version which I have not tried out yet!
Daddy's Opinion:
>Wishes he could have full use of his both hand
>Easy enough to use on his own
>He says he would wear it in public
>Nice snug fit (size 7), likes that it supports his head in the cradle hold!
Shiny Star Designs Ring Sling
Brand: Shiny Star Designs
Style: Woven Cotten
Retail Price: $40-$60
Baby Carrier Category: Ring Sling
Website: www.shiny-star-designs.myshopify.com/
Social Media Pages

>Adjustable - no specific sizing
>Simple Design - no fancy wraping, no clips, snaps, zippers, etc!
>Ring adjuster allows you to create a snug fit everytime no matter what position your baby is in...provides that nice "swaddled" feel for baby, that grows with them!
>Has a built in nursing cover/sun or rain shield
>Work At Home Mommy (WAHM) Made- Help support a fellow momma!
>Has a very nice, sturdy and pretty sewing design
>Can be tricky to learn how to use
>required some breaking in (specific to this fabric - I used a friends Shiny Star Designs cotton ring sling and hers didn't require any breaking in)
Ease of Use:
> Required some assistance from my local Baby Wearing International
>Once I broke in the fabric and got the hang of the Ring adjuster it became the quickest, easiest, and secure carrier I own!
Ease of Breastfeeding: >2 options so far - lower him down and let him latch, or swing his legs towards the rings, putting him in the cradle position. Both work and are comfortable! >Love having the built in cover, one less thing to carry!! :) |

>Very comfortable, weight is distributed around shoulder and back
> Both hands are available to use
> Newborn - 35lbs - Comfortable so far, but I have not tested this one to the limit!
Daddy's Opinion:
>Not too bad, he does notice if he doesn't get Kris in a good enough position that he feels the need to still support his head...but still not as much work as carrying him.
> Easy enough he can use it on his own
> He doesn't mind wearing it in public so long as he gets him in a comfortable enough hold to truely be hands free.
> Loves that this ring sling is a sure fire way to put Kris to sleep!!
Coupon Code:
DomesticDiva10% - for 10% off on in stock Ring Sling
DomesticDivaRS - for free wrap conversion
Moby Wrap
Brand: Moby
Style Wrap
Retail Price: $47.95-$62.95
Baby Carrier Category: Stretchy Wrap
Website: www.MobyWrap.com
Social Media Pages:

>Soft Material
> Very snuggly fit - able to get that nice swaddled" feel
> Coverage - This is my favorite carrier when I go grocery shopping, because it’s always cold and this wrap keeps him covered to stay warm but yet it's still breathable! Also
keeps them from being touched by strangers with germs!! :P
> Can be prewrapped...meaning not all the holds require baby to wrap, you can prewrap it on your baby and add baby in then tighten it up!
> Secure - by the 3rd time over you've wrapped them in every direction, they aren't going anywhere!!!
> Has some VERY cute designs available!
> Versatile - TONS of different wrapping methods, in multiple different positions!
>It's VERY VERY long...almost impossible to put on without the tails touching the ground, and if you're in a parking lot that can be gross!
> Tricky to learn how to use at first! Requires a little studying and practice but it becomes one of those muscle memory routines very quick!!
> Not the quickest carrier - requires a few minutes to put on...which with a screaming baby who hates their carseat, this feels like an eternity!! I have been recommended to prewrap prior to leaving the house and then just slide him in and out at each stop I make!
> May outgrow prior to weight limit due to stretchy material

> For a beginner - plan to study, practice prewrapping
> Once the techniques are learned - not so difficult
> Really is a muscle memory thing - similar to riding a back, once you accomplish wrapping you'll never forget it!! ;)
Ease of Breastfeeding:
>I like to wrap snug, so I generally have to
loosen mine and then swing both legs to one side and do a cradle carry to nurse.
> Takes a minute or two to get into position but comfortable once there
> Discrete - The nice wide shoulder straps provide a great cover

>Baby is always comfortable in this one!!
> Weight is distributed around the entire upper body, can definitely wear this for long periods of times without feeling the weight!!
> Since it wraps 3 times around, it provides plenty of support for newborns-doesn't require an extra hand to support his head!
> Note - If it does start to bother your neck or shoulders, you can adjust the straps to redistribute the weight!
Daddy's Opinion:
> Takes too long to put on
> Will not use on his own, requires a second person to help him wrap.
> Comfortable once situated
> He will wear it in public
> Loves that he is truly hands free with this one!!
Homemade Asian Baby Carrier
Brand: Homemade
Style: Mei Tai
Baby Carrier Category: Asian Baby Carrier

>Homemade - Not as easy as a homemade Moby but pretty simple!
>Customizable - Mine is Patriotic themed, I'm gonna make another one US Navy themed!! Can also tailor it to fit you and your baby best.
>Simple Design
>Most carries call for ties in the back, I don't care to tie in the back because it's uncomfortable when you sit down, and also because I went pee and my tails dipped in the toilet - EWW! I'm gonna try tieing in the front and I'll update this!
>Alot of weight on the inner shoulders/neck.
Ease of Use:
>Super simple to use, Daddy even accomplished it without directions!!
>YouTube is a great source for learning differnt carries, especially if you make this yourself, you won't have any other types of directions!

>I didn't think Breastfeeding would be possible in this one, but after YouTubing it I gave it a shot and it worked great and I'd have to say one of the most discrete! I Breastfeed in a large crowd for fireworks and my own husband who was standing right next to me didn't even know!
Comfort While Wearing:
>Not the most comfortable
>Wouldn't recommend for long periods of time
>I'll update this after I get to use it for more then 1 day!!
Daddy's Opinion:
>Not bad at all
>Loves how secure it is and the head support
>Enjoys being truely hands free
>Can do it on his own
>Will use in public
>His favorite so far! :)
Seven Slings
Brand: Seven Slings
Style: N/A
Retail Price: $39.98-$48
Baby Carrier Sategory: Pouch Sling
Website: www.sevenslings.com
Social Media Pages:

>No built in padding for the older baby hip carry, plus side to that is it's super tiny when folded
>No directions come with your purchase
I CAN'T stress this point enough for the pouch slings...SIZE MATTERS! I know sooo many people who have these and hate them and it's because they got the wrong size! This sling is often available for Free just the cost of shipping, they put out new coupon codes often but currently the one below works...should bring your total to $11.90-$15.40 - Can't beat that! Even though this is not my favorite, due to it's small size I generally always have this one conveniently located in my diaperbag as a backup! As infants both of my sons have loved the front carry position, tush goes in first, feet pointed up -leaving them right in sucking range (See Last pic!)! Top picture shows me wearing him while we check ouf Daddy's Fishtank! Forward carry allows them to see what we see, hear what we hear, somethimes even feel what we feel, allowing them to be more aware and learn about being "humanized" as Dr. Sears calls it!
"UCover" - Free Seven Sling
Beco Gemini
Brand: Beco
Style: Gemini
Retail Price: $130.00
Baby Carrier Category: Soft Structured Carrier
Website: www.becobaby carrier.com
Social Media Pages:

>A quick carrier
>A few different positions available
>No tieing required
>Safety Clips - babies can't unclip them
>Padded - body, arms and waist band (although waist band padding isnt centered, it , not sure if theres a reason for that)
>Head support, great for if you need to bend over and still need two hands (ex: grocery shopping, working with younger sibling, etc)

>The padding doesn't make it feel like the weight was heavy on the neck, but after wearing it for a long period it did start bothering my lower back.
>Straps dangle in various areas
>Doesnt fold up very conveniently to take on the go. It does however come with a carrying case which can make it more compact and keep it clean when not in use, but it requires an extra step.
>Shoulder straps block babies view when in hug hold, they also get chewed on when baby does try to see out. View blocking can be nice for if youre trying to block out everythimg thats going on for a tired
baby, or to keep people from touching!!
of Use:
>Not too bad, can be a little tricky trying to get the right strap and make sure its not twisted
>Easy to adjust, while wearing, even has some nice little tabs on it to help!
>Simlar to the Mei Tai but snaps instead of tieing
>Has some pretty cool options to it that I may not have known had I not watched/read the instruction.
Ease of Breastfeeding:
>Possible, not the easiest
>I would recommend wearing snap down shirt, lifting shirt up is more difficult and due to the sides being more open its not as discrete.
Comfort While Wearing:
>Baby was in a comfortable and secure position.
>Has very nice padded shoulders
>While doing the front hug hold I tried 2 different strap configurations
> Criss cross straps - has the better weight distribution of the two, still cause my lower back some pain after a while of weasring.
>Parralel straps- Did not like the weight distribution at all!!
Daddy's Opinion:
>Really liked the backpack hold (which he tried out with our 41lb 3 year old, cause he was that eager to try a back position)
>Very comfortable
>Could wear it all day
>Needed a second set of hand for the back carry, but it was also his first time trying that position...I'm sure he would be able to do this on his own in a day or two of use!
Homemade Stretchy Wrap
Brand: Homemade
Style: Jersy Knit
Cost: About $15-$20 Each
Baby Carrier Category: Stretchy Wrap

>Buy 5-7 yards of the material of your choice, thread of choice, and an Dark Fabric iron on transfer if you want a design.
>Fold the material in half lengthwise
>Decide how wide you want it, I did 20" wide which is plenty big enough for me and my newborn, if you want it any wider you will only be able to make 2 wraps out of the material. Do a very slight taper all the way to the end.
>Sew a 1 inch line on the middle fold (So you can always find the middle.)
>Sew the edge with a zig zag stitch (Optional Step - Jersy doesn't fray so you don't have to do this, I did it for the extra color and to make it more durable)
>Print a design on the transfer and iron it on!
Easy, Cheap and Fashionable!! ;) I'd love to try this out with a interlocking non stretching material which would then make it a woven wrap...the material cost a bit more but it's more durable and can hold bigger kids and opens up some more wrapping styles! Woven wraps usually cost over $100 and I've seen quite a few over $200! I unfortunately do not have one, and have not tried one out so I don't have much else to say about them!
Ergo Baby Carrier
Brand: Ergo
Style: Original Collection - Aussie Khaki
Retail Price: $115 plue $25 for Infant Insert
Baby Carrier Style: Soft Structured Carrier
Website: www.ErgoBaby.com
Social Media Pages:

> Very newborn safe and friendly
>Promotes possitive growth
>Love that the legs are spread all the way apart, the seat wraps all the way around their butts and to the backsides of their kneew, knees are level or higher then the bum - I believe this is what makes it ergonomic!! ;)
>Pretty easy to use, I did require help with the back click when I did forward carrying. This could be something that may be learned with experience!
>Infant Insert is by far one of the more interesting aspects, it puts baby in a nice swaddled taco, My baby loves the swaddle!!
>VERY Nice padding
>2 pockets on the front - one a good size for a wallet and another which was perfect for my phone!!
>Not a bunch of straps hanging
>Clip that attaches the two straps together (could land on the cheast or the back, depending on which hold you use) is adjustable

>With the infant insert, it is so stuffed I felt like I was pregnant again!
>Hot, mostly with the infant insert! This would be great in the winter but at 5pm on this very hot summer day, I thought I was gonna die! lol
>Takes a while to put on, two step process for newborn and required a second set of hands.
>I think the design sets the wearer up to be in a more correct postured position, Which is a pro, however this was not comfortable when I wanted to lounge at my husbands softball game!!
Ease of Use:
>Simple design
>Did require help with back clip (May become more independent with practice)
>I did not have original instructions book but with a quick YouTube search I found everything I needed to know about how to Ergo!!
Ease of Breastfeeding:
>YouTube says it is possible, I however could not do it with what I was wearing! :(

>Very comfortable, especially for a "back pack" style carrier
>This carrier distributes the weight very nicely amoung the hips, back and shoulders!
>Baby loved being swaddled in the newborn insert, he fell asleep though with his head facing and a bit of a crane in his neck, which I didn't feel comfortable with!
>I tested it without the newborn insert with my 9 week old (10lbs 12oz 23.5in long) and he was very comfortable, also eliminated the pregnancy bulk that I felt with the insert!
>We tried this with 2 preschoolers (ages 3 - 42lbs, 42-44in tall, one boy and one girl) - when asked on comfort for them they both said they were very comfortable, no pain in the legs either...They looked very comfy too!!
>Rated for 7-45lbs, I tried this out with a 42lb 3 year old in a back carry and it was AWESOME!! Very comfortable for me and the wee one!
Daddy's Opinion:
>Really liked the adjustable chest clip!
>Noticed a little bit of restrain in his arms but when I loosened the straps completely and had him tighten it to what was comforable for him he said it was perfect.
>He was litterally giving "piggy back" rides a new meaning with our 3 year old in this, running and hopping around, both said it was very comfortable!
>He was not a fan of the pricetag, but believes it would get used enough to be worth the money!
Baby K'Tan
Brand: Baby K'Tan
Style: Basic
Price Range: $49.95
Baby Carrier Category: Sling Wrap Hybrid (my own term)
Website: www.babyktan.com
Social Media Pages:

>No wrapping, tieing, clips, rings, zippers, etc.
>Super soft material
>Back crisscross is attached - easy to pullon to redistribute the weight
>Multiple holds, with a couple different ways to wear it
>Sizes- Daddy maybe in a different size then mommy!?
>Stretchy Material - causing baby to drop after a while
>Sash is a seperate piece that tends to be harder to keep up with (there are holds that down require it!

> Rated from Birth-3 years old...I'm a little too nervous to try my 3 year old in it, my newborn did a bit of dropping so I can't imagine my 3 year would make it in this one! This has to do with the stretch material!
>I kept the instructions handy the first few times and it was easy enough to follow
>No extra hands required to put on the Baby K'Tan!! ;)
Ease of Breastfeeding:
>The same as using a wrap or sling - simple, comfortable, can do on the go or while multitasking!
>Sash doubles as a cover!
Comfort While Wearing:
>In the last day and a half of using only this carrier, I have gotten some back pain (not exactly sure if it's attributed to the carrier)
>I have a size Medium and I'm larger built but sit perfectly in the medium section of the Baby K'Tan size chart but I had way to much drag...according to the fitting troubleshooting on to website mine is too big! So definitely keep this in mind when you're purchase this one!!
Daddy's Opinion:
>Daddy had watch tonight, so we didn't see him till 11:30pm...but I actually purchased this carrier with him in mind (since he "cant"/won't do the wrapping by himself), so I'll get him in this again soon and get some fresh feedback on him and ofcourse update this!!
Brand: Snugli
Style: Front & Back
Retail Price: $30-$59
Baby Carrier Category: Soft Structured Carrier
Website: www.snugli.com
Social Media Pages:

> Cheap
>Has a pocket
>Shoulder stap connector is adjustable

>Baby's legs dangle rather then sitting supported in the froggy position.
>Has a inner "vented" layer - makes to where baby isn't right on you, very impersonal
>Required 2 people to put on
Ease of Use:
>Definitely not the easiest to use
>Requires a second set of hands to either hold the baby in it or to adjust straps while wearer holds baby!
Ease of Breastfeeding:
>Not Possible
Comfort While Wearing:
>I haven't liked this one from the very start because of the way the weight is distriduted - it hurts my lower back!

> Not his favorite anymore
> Comfortable
> Not the easiest - He can do it, but wouldnt be his first pick
> Likes that its more breathable then the other Soft Structured Carriers
Baby Bjorn
Brand: Baby Bjorn
Style: Original Mesh
Retail Price: $100
Baby Carrier Category: Soft Structured Carrier
Website: www.babybjorn.com/us/
Social Media Pages:

>Mesh - breathable
>Criss crosses in the back
>Arm straps are super easy to adjust
>Legs Dangling
>Not compact or foldable
>Outrageous price...I'm guessing your paying for the name, just not worth the money!
Ease of Use:
>Not to hard
>Second set of hands makes me more comfortable when I'm making adjustments (First time use, switching from mommy to daddy adjustments)!
Ease of Breathfeeding:
>It is possible, just not comforable- Had to stretch boob oround the arm strap.
Comfort While Wearing:
>Not as bad as the snugli, because the Baby Bjorn straps criss cross on the back
>Weight is not distributed enough.
Daddy's Opinion:
>Not much diiference from yesterday!
KisKise Water Sling
Brand: KisKise
Style: Water Sling
Retail Price: $35
Baby Carrier Category: Ring Sling
Website: www.kiskise.com/
Social Media Pages:

>Drys super fast
>Has plastic rings, and their a bit smaller (don't think this is a bad thing and there may be reasoning behind it, not sure)
>Very easy to adjust, since fabric is so soft, it may slip while dry, I noticed this once and I just adjusted the ring a little and it stopped but another option would be to knot the excess that is hanging. Once wet, no issues!
>Has a neat little drawstring bag sewn into the tail.
>Ring sewing is not as pretty as the Shiny Star designs ring sling but still very sturdy and still lays comfortable around my shoulder.
>Great for the pool, beach, lake, shower, etc.
>The breathable mesh makes it not only great for the water, but for any outdoor summer activities!
>So small and compact could also be a great back up carrier for the diaper bag!
>Recommended weight limit newborn to 40lbs
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