The details of how my planned Water Birth at a birthing center turned into a surprise at home birth with daddy delivering!
The Pregnancy
This all began after one long terrible high risk first pregnancy and not so ideal hospital delivery. I didn't want to think about being pregnant again after that, I knew I wanted more kids just wasn't sure how it was gonna happen. After a couple years went by and my baby was slowly turning into a this sweet little boy that baby fever was really setting in! I found myself watching the discovery channel baby story shows and one day last May I saw a water birth episode, after watching that show I knew I could do it again, I just needed to change how I did it! I love swimming, water has always been a relaxing thing for me, it would be the perfect resolution for me to have a baby without all the interventions of a normal hospital birth! That week I made the appoinment to have my IUD removed and we started our family planning!! :)

We found out we were expecting, and the journey began! The local hospital has a jaccuzzi tub, but it's just for laboring not for birthing. My midwife was on board for a water birth and helped me get in contact with the right people to try and get some procedures and policies put in place that would allow a water birth. However around 25 weeks or so I was informed it was taking much longer then they expected and that the policies would not be in place before my due date. My midwife referred me to a birthing center in Annapolis. After verifying with insurance that it would all be covered we switched care at 27
Being a 1.5 hour drive with no traffic from our home, this was not a easy decision to come to! There were many pros to having a birthing center birth that ended up outweighing the cons...water birth capable, could have our son with us (with no family nearby, this was a big pro for us), 3-5 hour discharge after birth, no pressure for medical interventions, the list goes on! My husbands biggest fear was that we'd be having a baby on the side of the road. In fact at my 36 week appointment he asked the midwife again, how fast do you think this labor will go, and at what point do we need to make the drive. She said it's different with every person but since my last labor was 17 hours we shouldn't have anything to worry about!
The only thing that could stop me now from having a water birth was if there was complications, so my number one goal throughout the pregnancy was to stay healthy! I exercised regularly, ate well, drank tons of water, took my vitamins and supplements, etc! It all payed off, I had an excellent happy healthy pregnancy and was well on my way to a water birth, or so I though!
Being a 1.5 hour drive with no traffic from our home, this was not a easy decision to come to! There were many pros to having a birthing center birth that ended up outweighing the cons...water birth capable, could have our son with us (with no family nearby, this was a big pro for us), 3-5 hour discharge after birth, no pressure for medical interventions, the list goes on! My husbands biggest fear was that we'd be having a baby on the side of the road. In fact at my 36 week appointment he asked the midwife again, how fast do you think this labor will go, and at what point do we need to make the drive. She said it's different with every person but since my last labor was 17 hours we shouldn't have anything to worry about!
The only thing that could stop me now from having a water birth was if there was complications, so my number one goal throughout the pregnancy was to stay healthy! I exercised regularly, ate well, drank tons of water, took my vitamins and supplements, etc! It all payed off, I had an excellent happy healthy pregnancy and was well on my way to a water birth, or so I though!
1st Attempt
Tuesday, April 30th 2013, the day before my Due Date. I had my 40 week prenatal check up at 11:20am. During my shower I had a contraction and they continued about 3-4 an hour till my appointment. At my appointment the midwife said I was a stretchy 3CM dialated and 80% effaced, she stripped my membranes and said go eat lunch and walk to mall and call in later if we have some progress.
So we did just that, went to the mall, did some shopping, walking, ate lunch, and some more walking. By 3pm the contractions had been 6 mins apart for about an hour, so I called in to tell the midwife the progress, she said come on in to be checked and we'll see where to go from there. So around 4pm they checked and I was 5CM 80% effaced, she said we should expect to have the baby at some point in the night, don't leave town.
I finally let the excitement sink in, this is really it, we're gonna have the baby soon!! Cody had just gotten off work, so he started heading up to Annapolis. My mom, Karter and I went out for dinner and some more walking while we waited. Contractions continued, around 9pm we finally went and checked into the birthing center so we could get some rest before delivery. Contractions continued through the night, but they didn't get closer together or stronger. I slept terribly, up about every hour, those birthing center beds are not meant for sleeping, not to mention i'ts a queen size bed shared by my husband, 3 year old, oh and lets not forget myself and the big belly!
At 8am the midwife came and checked on me again, I was still at 5CM and 80% effaced. She said I could head home and that I would notice a difference in the contractions when it was "Real"! It was so sad to be leaving with a baby still in my belly!
So we did just that, went to the mall, did some shopping, walking, ate lunch, and some more walking. By 3pm the contractions had been 6 mins apart for about an hour, so I called in to tell the midwife the progress, she said come on in to be checked and we'll see where to go from there. So around 4pm they checked and I was 5CM 80% effaced, she said we should expect to have the baby at some point in the night, don't leave town.
I finally let the excitement sink in, this is really it, we're gonna have the baby soon!! Cody had just gotten off work, so he started heading up to Annapolis. My mom, Karter and I went out for dinner and some more walking while we waited. Contractions continued, around 9pm we finally went and checked into the birthing center so we could get some rest before delivery. Contractions continued through the night, but they didn't get closer together or stronger. I slept terribly, up about every hour, those birthing center beds are not meant for sleeping, not to mention i'ts a queen size bed shared by my husband, 3 year old, oh and lets not forget myself and the big belly!
At 8am the midwife came and checked on me again, I was still at 5CM and 80% effaced. She said I could head home and that I would notice a difference in the contractions when it was "Real"! It was so sad to be leaving with a baby still in my belly!
The Birth Story
So it was officially the Due Date - May 1st 2013. I was exhausted from the prior day of walking, and the poor nights sleep that I got, it seemed like the end was never gonna be in sight. I managed to do some more nesting around the house, moving very slow but accomplishing things!! Since it was a pay day for us once Cody got home from work we left Karter with Nana and went to do some grocery shopping! By suggestion of one of my best friends we had Taco Bell for dinner, it might have actually done the trick too!!
Contractions started to get a little stronger while we were shopping, nothing that was too unbareable though, and they were like 6 minutes apart. We got home and put everything away, then headed upstairs for bed. Around 11:15pm, While I was going to the bathroom I felt a small pop, I poked my head out the bathroom and told Cody I think my water just broke. When I stood up there was no gush or even continued trickle, and my belly was still huge. Cody googled Water Breaking and it didn't sound like it was it so we just wrote it off.
Within minutes my contractions started to get more intense, after about an hour of solid strong contractions I had Cody call the midwife...I was contracting about every 3 minutes. Midwife said this could be the real deal finally but she'd hate to see us make the drive up there and it not be it so she said try taking a bath and if the contractions stop then it's not it, if they continue then start heading up. Cody started re-packing the car again and I ran a bath and hopped in, the hot water felt so good, but then my body started shaking, I thought it was really weird and a couple minutes later it did it again, I realized my body was pushing. I knew he was really coming this time and he was coming soon!!
Without even drying off I ran and woke my mom up, "it's go time, he's coming out!!!" I yelled down to Cody, he came up and I told him I could feel him coming out, he knew at this point we would not make it to the birthing center, and he made the executive decision that we were going to
the hospital and we were going now!! My mom went to get herself and Karter ready to go, I sat down on the birthing ball and Cody worked through my contractions to get me dressed! I walked downstairs and that was when I felt the so called "Ring of Fire", I told Cody he's coming out now! I laid down on the living room floor and those sweat pants that took him 2 contractions to put on, he had off in .02 seconds! lol He yelled up to my mom we need towels, she said "What!? Why!?"
Cody got some gloves, mom got towels, and they both came back. Cody called 911 at 1:00am, and informed them of what was going on. I kinda figured they'd stay on the line and walk him through it but she said "someone is on their way" and just hung up! At this point, my body had continued pushing him, and his head was crowned. I reminded cody to massage the area so it doesn’t tear but he told me his head was already out, one good push and he'd be all the way out. I waited for the next contraction and gave my one push and out he came along with that gush of was like a huge weight was being lifted off of me! I sat up and Cody handed me our son! We did it, together! I cried tears of joy! Such an amazing feeling!
Contractions started to get a little stronger while we were shopping, nothing that was too unbareable though, and they were like 6 minutes apart. We got home and put everything away, then headed upstairs for bed. Around 11:15pm, While I was going to the bathroom I felt a small pop, I poked my head out the bathroom and told Cody I think my water just broke. When I stood up there was no gush or even continued trickle, and my belly was still huge. Cody googled Water Breaking and it didn't sound like it was it so we just wrote it off.
Within minutes my contractions started to get more intense, after about an hour of solid strong contractions I had Cody call the midwife...I was contracting about every 3 minutes. Midwife said this could be the real deal finally but she'd hate to see us make the drive up there and it not be it so she said try taking a bath and if the contractions stop then it's not it, if they continue then start heading up. Cody started re-packing the car again and I ran a bath and hopped in, the hot water felt so good, but then my body started shaking, I thought it was really weird and a couple minutes later it did it again, I realized my body was pushing. I knew he was really coming this time and he was coming soon!!
Without even drying off I ran and woke my mom up, "it's go time, he's coming out!!!" I yelled down to Cody, he came up and I told him I could feel him coming out, he knew at this point we would not make it to the birthing center, and he made the executive decision that we were going to
the hospital and we were going now!! My mom went to get herself and Karter ready to go, I sat down on the birthing ball and Cody worked through my contractions to get me dressed! I walked downstairs and that was when I felt the so called "Ring of Fire", I told Cody he's coming out now! I laid down on the living room floor and those sweat pants that took him 2 contractions to put on, he had off in .02 seconds! lol He yelled up to my mom we need towels, she said "What!? Why!?"
Cody got some gloves, mom got towels, and they both came back. Cody called 911 at 1:00am, and informed them of what was going on. I kinda figured they'd stay on the line and walk him through it but she said "someone is on their way" and just hung up! At this point, my body had continued pushing him, and his head was crowned. I reminded cody to massage the area so it doesn’t tear but he told me his head was already out, one good push and he'd be all the way out. I waited for the next contraction and gave my one push and out he came along with that gush of was like a huge weight was being lifted off of me! I sat up and Cody handed me our son! We did it, together! I cried tears of joy! Such an amazing feeling!
EMT arrived at 1:08am, I requested we keep the cord attached so he could receive all the blood, I stood up and got on the stretcher myself. They sent us to the hospital, once there Cody cut the cord at 1:50am, Kris nursed for the first time at 1:55am, and placenta was delivered at 2:24am. Since the birthing center was in Annapolis, in the event of transfer we were registered for the hospital across the street from there, not the one closest to our house! So for not being a registered patient and them not having a copy of my records or birthplan/newborn care wishes they were very good to us! They asked us about everything and were very supportive, even allowed us to do a early discharge - 12 hours, not quite as fast as the birthing center but still better then the normal few days!
It was so nice to be home and sleep in our own bed that night! We didn't even miss a night of tucking in Karter to bed!! While I didn't get the water birth, I don't have any complaints and it was definitely an experience to never be forgotten!! And that sums up our story of the birth of our little boy who cried wolf!
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